Children’s Religious Education
St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish Religious Education Program at Holy Savior
The Religious Education Program of St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish teaches parishioners, Teens, and children, about our Catholic Faith, the Word of God, and the importance of living as Jesus did. The program strives to develop a sense of belonging to the parish community. The importance of participating in parish life, especially in the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist, is stressed. The goal of the program is to lead parishioners to the development of a mature faith that is lived out in every aspect of their lives.
The Religious Education Program consists of the following components: — Religious Education Classes for grades Pre-K 4 to 6th are held every Sunday morning immediately following the 10 AM Mass; classes for grades 7th to 10 th grades are held Sunday evenings 6 to 7. The teen program is run under the title of T.O.P. (Taking Our Place).
Religious Education Classes
Pre-K 4 to 6
On Sunday, classes will begin @ 11 AM and conclude at 12 PM. There is a Mass at 10 a.m. All students and their families are encouraged to attend Mass each week.
Students in Grades Pre-K 4 to 6 will gather in the Foyer of the parish center. Their teachers/or the director will meet them there to go to class. No student is allowed in a classroom without a teacher. Lessons are planned to add to the Liturgy and to help the students grow in knowledge and love of their faith. We also learn to treat others as Jesus did and to be a true follower of Jesus.
TOP Classes (7th to 10th )
Our teen classes or TOP as it is commonly known, meet from 6 to 7 on Sunday evenings. Along with lessons, we focus on three S’s – Spiritual, Social, and Service. The TOP planning board is open to every parish teen from 7th to 12th grade and meets on the 3rd Sunday of every month. We gather and have a meal, and then make plans for upcoming events. It is completely student-run with adult advisers.
In the past we have conducted coat drives for the needy, baked cookies at Christmas for the families on our giving tree and the staff at a local nursing home. We assembled Christmas bags for the nursing home and distributed them while Christmas Caroling, held bonfires on the beach in the fall, and a Senor for Seniors Prom in the winter. We assist at Holy Week services and attend a Pilgrimage in Wilmington with the rest of the youth from our Diocese.