Legacy Giving

More and more Catholics are responding to the idea of giving a gift that forever perpetuates our Catholic faith. Your gift is a concrete way to express gratitude to God for a lifetime of blessings. The gift you give also establishes a lasting legacy of love for others by enabling St. Mary Star of the Sea and Holy Savior Catholic Church to continue the preservation and expansion of our Catholic heritage through its many ministries.

To learn about the types of ministries that you could support by establishing your own legacy or to discuss the various types of giving options, please call Fr. Lance Martin, Administrator, at (410) 289-0652. One of the ways to give is the Star of the Sea Foundation. It was established to raise funds to support the Parish’s Mission, including evangelization, Catholic education, and any maintenance and upkeep of Parish buildings.

We recognize that many people want to help others and want to express their gratitude to God through a legacy gift, but simply do not know how to proceed. We would like to make it easy for you to make a lasting gift and receive the benefits of doing so. Please click on the brochures below for more information. Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless you.

Your Guide to Gift Planning
Planning Your Legacy

Legacy Giving